My Writing

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


This week I turned thirty. I am happy to report that I feel fine and I haven't shed one tear. I am going to embrace my maturity and now that I am in my thirties maybe people really will finally take me seriously when I tell them I've seen a UFO (which I have, in case you are wondering...).

My wonderful friend Melissa Maxwell invited me and some friends "to tea" to celebrate my birthday. If you want to see her slide show here's a link to her blog.

Thank you for the tea, Melissa! It was delightful.


  1. Happy 30 once again! I thought about you on Thursday and hoped you were having a good day! Melissa's slide show is darling and looks like you had a good time -- "tea party" what a great idea!

  2. Thanks for giving me an excuse to throw a tea party!

  3. Oh no . . . when did you turn 30?

  4. So bummed I had to miss it! Looks like you guys had a great time.:)

  5. Did you see a flying saucer at your tea party? Do you get it? Hmmm? I give you that joke as your birthday present.

  6. Just email me in case you don't get it. It's not a very good joke.

  7. You've been tagged. See my blog.

  8. Happy "late" Birthday Chelsea!!! It looks like you all had a blast at Melissa's. Isn't it nice to have great friends? Fun Fun!!!

  9. Flying saucers! you are 30, gosh you hold you age well!

    Happy Birthday!

    cuz, sharalee

  10. How fun! I'm glad Melissa gave you a tea party-I loved the pictures. Thanks for the great attitude about turning 30- It helps me get excited.
