My Writing

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Blue Quandry

This weekend we took the kids to our annual Duke vs. Carolina football game. This time it was at Duke and we bundled up the kids and prepared to freeze.

The girls immediatley got into the game, cheering and screaming like cheerleaders. I, however, was having a hard time trying to figure out which team to cheer for. I thought I would be all for Duke, but watching the Carolina-blue players bulldoze their way into the endzone for a touchdown stirred up more Tar Heel patriotism than I've felt in the past five years. Do I cheer for the school that gave my husband such a fine education? Do I cheer for the school whose hospital delivered my baby?

Or do I cheer for the school that gives my husband his paychecks, pays for my children's clothing and buys our food?

Then as I listened to Sophie screaming and cheering next to me I knew she knew the right team to cheer for. She had her head screwed on staight. She had been well-indoctrinated in her home by her father. Sophie, with all the energy her little heart could muster was screaming the words, "GO BYU!!!!"


  1. Hilarious! That is quite a quandry. Jeff still has a hard time cheering for Duke over NC State. I will say that Duke football games are outrageously boring and I'd have a hard time cheering for them in football.

  2. Go cougars! She knows the right things to say!!

  3. Oh my gosh that is soo cute! I find myself yelling go Heels no matter who is playing too.
